About Me

Hello, my name is Stephanie Wilson, and welcome to Flowing Hands Massage. I am a licensed massage therapist (license #MT.0024324) practicing in the state of Colorado. My office is located near Green Mountain in Lakewood. I graduated as a top student in the Summer of 2021 from the Colorado Springs School of Massage. Since graduating, I have received my certification for Level 1 Ashiatsu from the school of Deep Feet Bar Therapy, certification for Prenatal Massage from the Colorado School of the Healing Arts, and my attunements for Level 1/2 Reiki practitioner from Juniper Moon Healing Arts. I am committed to continuing my education to better serve my clients!
When I was a little girl, I loved walking on my parent’s backs when they were sore. Holding my friend’s hands, rubbing a loved one’s shoulders, and sharing hugs with those who need them has felt normal to me for as long as I can remember. Touch has always been my primary love language, and now I get to share that through the art of massage and energy work. It is my goal to create a safe space for all bodies to heal, and my client’s comfort is always top priority. I am here to meet you where you are on your journey, and hold space for you however you may need.
On my table you will never feel rushed, and your problem areas will always be addressed. I’ve heard clients say they feel they have to sacrifice the relaxation aspect of a massage when they need deeper work, but I specialize in helping you achieve a relaxed state even during therapeutic sessions.
The name stems from my other passion in life; Flow Arts. If you are unfamiliar, ‘Flow Arts’ is the intersection of a variety of movement-based disciplines including dance, juggling, fire-spinning, and object manipulation. Prop manipulation changed my life in ways that are hard to put into words. I’ve gained confidence, self-acceptance, strength, and a love for movement fueled by a passion for music. Dancing with fire is a feeling unlike any other. In a state of pure bliss with my props, I discovered a flow state. Headspace perfectly explains a flow state as “the sense of fluidity between your body and mind; where you are totally absorbed by and deeply focused on something, beyond the point of distraction. Time feels like it has slowed down. Your senses are heightened. You are at one with the task at hand, as action and awareness sync to create an effortless momentum.” For a long time I was unsure anything else in life could make me feel like flowing does… then I began practicing massage. The way my hands move on someone’s body has become an effortless momentum fueled by a passion for healing. My session’s combine a comprehensive understanding of human anatomy, with the fluidity and focus of a flow state, for a truly unique experience.
I can’t wait to have you on my table. Thank you for taking the time to heal yourself!